Manila, Philippines – More than 4,000 new CHED scholarship grants have been awarded to faculty and staff of HEIs who applied for the Masteral and Doctorate degree programs.
According to the Commission on Higher Education, 1, 850 and 1, 379 will pursue Masters and Doctorate degree respectively. This is part of the the Commission’s program for K-12 transition.
RELATED: How to Apply for CHED Masteral and Doctorate Scholarship?
The scholarship program aims to increase the number of country’s higher education institution teachers with higher educational degrees by up to 70% at 2020.
Here are the lists whose application for CHED scholarship has been approved for First Sem of SY 2016-2017 as referred to CHED Memorandum Order (CMO No. 26, 28 and 31). The lists are courtesy of the Commission on Higher Education and for information dissemination purposes only.
Statistically, Philippines as compared to other countries has a big gap of master’s and doctorate faculty members as compared to the neighboring countries. At present, only 39% of teachers have higher degrees while in Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, up to 70%.
CHED is already having this scholarships even before, however, teachers cannot find time to grab the opportunity due to schedule and heavy teaching loads at their school of work.
With the transition of K to 12 from 2016 to 2021, this is the best time for the teachers and faculty members to grab this opportunity and upgrade their professional education status.