MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute (DOST SEI) is expected to accept scholarship program online application for Academic Year (AY) 2021-2022 starting June 2020.
Below requirement details and guide for 2021 DOST scholarship were drafted from the 2020 DOST Scholarship qualification and requirements. Should there be changes/ updates for 2021, this article will be revised/updated.
There are two (2) types of scholarship under the DOST – S&T Undergraduate Scholarship Programs. The RA 7687 and Merit Scholarship.
- RA 7687 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7687 or the “Science and Technology Act of 1994”, the Science and Technology (S & T) undergraduate scholarship program aims to stimulate and entice talented Filipino students to pursue careers in science and technology and ensure a steady and adequate supply of qualified human resources which could help the country to progress. Likewise, it aims to provide scholarship opportunity to students families’ socio-economic status do not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators. RA 7657 DOST Scholarship qualifiers are directed to pursue priority fields of study in basic sciences, engineering, other applied sciences and science and Mathematics teaching.
- DOST SEI MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM -This is formerly known as the NSDB or NSTA Scholarship, begun in 1958. Merit scholars pursue priority courses in the basic sciences, engineering, other applied sciences and science/mathematics teaching at identified universities
June 2020 (Estimate, to be confirmed/updated) | September 2020 (Estimate, to be confirmed/updated) |
- Applicant must be a natural-born citizen;
- **Poor, talented and deserving student who belongs to a family whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of certain indicators;
- Must be a member of the top five percent (5%) of the Non-STEM strand senior high school graduating class or member of the STEM strand senior high school graduating class;
- Must be a resident of the municipality as attested by the Barangay;
- Must not have any post-secondary or undergraduate units;
- Have not taken any previous DOST-SEI examination or have taken the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Examination but did not qualify for the scholarship or qualifier of the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship but did not avail of the award;
- Must be of good moral character and in good health and;
- Must be a qualifier of the 2021 S&T Scholarship Examination.
**Criteria of eligibility is not suitable for Merit Scholarship
See Also: CHED Scholarship Online Application
The package of financial assistance to scholars covered the tuition, book allowance, thesis allowance, monthly living allowance and other school fees. Here is the financial coverage for DOST 2021 scholars:
Regular Academic Year
- Tuition and other school fees – Php40,000.00 per year
- Book Allowance – Php10,000.00 per year
- Group Health and Accident Insurance – Premium
- Transportation Allowance (for those studying outside of home province) – 1 economy-class round-trip fare
- Monthly Living Allowance – Php7,000.00/ month
- Thesis Allowance – Php10,000.00
- Graduation Clothing Allowance – Php1,000.00
Summer Allowance (if required by the curriculum)
- Tuition and other school fees – Php1,500.00
- Book Allowance – Php500.00 (to submit official receipt)
- Monthly Living Allowance – Php7,000.00/ month for two months
DOST Scholarship 2021 applicants must submit the following forms and requirements:
- Personal Information (Form A)
- **Household Information (Form B)
- Certificate of Good Moral Character (Form C)
- Certificate of Good Health (Form D)
- Principal’s Certification (Form E1 or E2)
- Form E1 – Principal’s Certification that applicant belongs to the senior high school STEM strand Class
- Form E2 – Principal’s Certification that applicant belongs to the upper 5% of the NON-STEM strand senior high school graduating class
- Certificate of Residency (Form F)
- Parent’s Certification (Form G)
- Statement of applicant that he/she has not taken any previous DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship Examination and any undergraduate units or post secondary course — In case applicant has already graduated from senior high school (Form H)
- Signed Declaration by Applicant and the Parent/Legal Guardian (Form I)
- Two recent 1×1 pictures
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate
- **Parent/s 2018 Income Tax Return / W2 / Employment Contract for OFW / BIR Cert. of Exemption from Filing of ITR / Brgy. Cert. of Indigency
- **Electric bill for the recent 3 consecutive months
- ***Non-refundable test fee of P200.00
**Not applicable for DOST Merit Scholarship
***Not applicable for RA 7687 Scholarship
Links to all Forms will be provided as soon as DOST – SEI posted all the 2021 documents.
Interested DOST Scholarship applicants may follow the online application from the DOST-SEI official website. The link to the scholarship online application portal will be provided here as soon as DOST started the applications.
- Download the 2021 DOST scholarship application forms in pdf format. The application form can also be obtained from the Science Education Institute, 2nd Level, Science Heritage Bldg., DOST Cmpd., General Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila; DOST Regional Offices; Provincial Science and Technology Centers (PSTC) or Offices of the Congressmen and Senators.
- Submit the accomplished DOST scholarship application form together with the required supported documents at Science Education Institute, or DOST Regional Office/PSTC nearest the applicant’s school or home address.
- The Test Permit shall be mailed to the applicant/s or school principal for distribution to the applicants. In case the test permit is not received within the week before the examination day, the applicant may inquire from the DOST Regional Office / PSTC and check the nearest designated test center a day before the examination.
- Yes. The date of exam will be provided as soon as DOST releases the official details. Meanwhile, it is expected to be held by October 2021.
DOST Scholarship selects its scholars from a very low percentage of applicants. During 2020 DOST scholarship results, only 9,788 out of 102,526 (9.55%) examinees passed.
The passers/awardees shall be selected on the basis of their performance in the 2021 S&T Undergraduate Scholarship Examination. Likewise, the list of awardees as approved and announced by the DOST Secretary is final and unappealable.
Shall the examinee become one of the selected DOST scholars, he/she shall perform and comply with the following terms and conditions:
- An awardee must seek admission in any of the S&T programs covered under the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarships in any of the following:
- State universities and colleges.
- Tertiary institutions identified as Centers of Excellence or Centers of Development by CHED or Level III accredited by FAAP for the S&T programs covered under the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarships.
- DOST-SEI identified network institutions.
- An awardee shall comply with the terms of the Scholarship Agreement to be entered into between himself/herself, parents or legal guardian and the DOST-SEI.
- After signing the Scholarship Agreement, the awardee’s name shall be included in the lists of scholars needing clearance from DOST-SEI forwarded to the appropriate government agency(ies) for tracking purposes.
- An awardee shall maintain the grade requirements of the scholarship.
- Scholarship qualifiers who come from the non-STEM Strand, may avail of the scholarship effective the First Semester of AY 2021-2022 as long as they are admitted in any of the S&T programs covered under the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarships in a university that meets the study placement requirement.
An awardee should pass the qualifying examination for admission to the university where he/she plans to enroll in.
Once selected, a 2021 DOST scholar has the following duties and responsibilities (extracted from the 2015 handbook available at DOST-SEI official website):
- Open an e-account with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) and submit your account number to DOST-SEI or DOST Regional Office immediately.
- Comply with the DOST Scholarship grade requirements at all times.
- First Year: An annual weighted average (2 semesters/3 or 4 terms) of 2.75 or better if enrolled in the UP System; 2.5 or 85% or better if you are enrolled in another college/university and no failing grade in any academic subject for all semesters/trimesters/quarter terms or summer term.
- Second Year: A semestral weighted average of 2.75 or better if enrolled in the UP System; 2.5 or 85% or better if you are enrolled in another college/university and no failing grade in any academic subject for the semester/trimester/quarter term or summer term.
- Third, Fourth & Fifth Years: Passing grades in all academic subjects provided that you take the regular load per semester and complete the course within its prescribed period.
- Submit a report of grades for all academic subjects at the end of the semester despite the fact that may have incurred academic deficiency(ies) so that the scholarship status can be properly assessed. A scholar shall be issued a DOST-SEI memorandum regarding the status of the scholarship grant based on the evaluation of the academic performance.
- An awardee must enroll in the regular academic load for each semester/term as prescribed in the curriculum/program of study.
Should an applicant passed the scholarship and become one, he/she is bound to a return of service agreement. Upon completion of the program, the scholar graduate shall render return of service in the country on a full-time basis, preferably in his/her home region and preferably along his/her field of specialization for a minimum period to the length of time he/she enjoyed the scholarship.
Should you need further clarifications, you may reach DOST – SEI at below contact details.
Department of Science and Technology SCIENCE EDUCATION INSTITUTE
1st and 2nd Levels, Science Heritage Bldg.,
DOST Compound, General Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig City
Contact nos. (02) 839-0083, (02) 837-1333, 837-2071 loc. 2382
To receive regular updates on DOST scholarship online applications for AY 2021-2022, among other important announcements, we recommend to visit DOST official website or follow us at our social media pages via Facebook and Twitter or join the members discussions at our Facebook Group.

All news, results and announcements at this website are posted for general information and dissemination only. We do not make any warranty on the reliability, completeness and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information at this website is strictly at your own risk and we are not liable for the losses and damages in connection with the use of our website. For inquiries, clarifications, questions on the accuracy, veracity on content of the information and announcements posted, you may directly visit DOST official website and follow them at their official fan pages.
Should you find further inconsistencies in the article that needs to be corrected/updated, kindly message us from the contact details posted in the contact section of this page or post it as comment below.
saan po pwede mahanap yung link sa mismonh FORM?
Paano po makaka filled up ng form?
When could I (applicant) can fill out the form needed to acquire the scholarship?
Waht is the form po? Can you send to us the link please ????
pwede pa ba pong mag apply ng scholarship?
Pwede na po bang mag apply incoming 3rd year college na po ako.
I badly need an financial support so that I’m really hoping that you’ve been giving me chance to have that scholarship.
How to apply po? I really need this scholarship for my studies po
[email protected]