It is a website that mainly disseminates information with regards to licensure examination results and other news announced by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). We do not claim ownership on any results posted. We always encourage our readers to direct to official website for veracity of the results though we strictly ensure that these are thoroughly verified before publication.
What results are we posting?
This website will post board examination results, analysis of the possible release date, list of passers, top examinees, top performing colleges and universities, room assignments, schedule of exams and other related announcements of all programs covered by the agency.
Though we are mainly concerned with programs covered by the Professional Regulation Commission, we are not only limited to news around this agency. Any news with regards to other licensure examinations conducted by other Philippine agencies can also be posted on this website. These include Civil Service Exams (CSC), Bar exams, NAPOLCOM, UPCAT, among others.
How to constantly connect with the admin? Who is updating this website?
From time to time, we will seek update on the possible release date of certain board examination conducted. The info will be shared to our readers via this website as well as our Facebook and Twitter fan pages. Take note that the web administrator is not directly connected or not an employee of PRC though she is based in the Philippines.
When is this website updated?
This website will be constantly updated to ensure that readers will have timely information about the licensure examination they are tuning in.
If readers have more information, questions and clarifications about the articles we’ve posted, they can directly reach us via email at our contact page.